Sunday 8 March 2020

A Child in the Forest

by David Goodland from Winifred Foley

"Wild, sweet days, spent in a small mining village in the Forest of Dean... Before the motor car had taken over from the horse and cart and before they built the Severn Bridge."

The true story of Winifred Foley's Forest of Dean childhood: The daughter of a miner in times of strike, poverty was rife, but this is a tale of fond memories, of family and friends and a girl with a lust for life and a strong sense of fun. Follow Poll as she grows from the girl wearing too-big bloomers, being chased by a bull and praying Father Christmas would bring her a doll, until her departure to work in service. A Child in the Forest evokes the innocence of a bygone era and the idyllic surroundings without forgetting the hardships and hunger.

'Jenny Wren Productions put on a jolly and entertaining show... Humorous and poignant, comic and tragic, this was a great night out and praise must go to all the cast, especially the younger members.' Joyce Matthews, Gloucestershire Echo, July 2009.